Intuitive Weight Transformation
It's A Game Changer!
Does this sound like you?
You have lost hope that you can ever be in control of food again.
You have been on every diet possible only to gain more weight and spend more money trying the next, new diet.
You're fed up eating food you dislike on someone else's say so.
You want to sit down to a meal and enjoy your food knowing your body is getting what it wants AND needs.
You love the clothes in your closet but nothing fits.
You don't want to take the risks of surgery or the side effects of shots for a lifetime.
You can take control, return to a natural healthy weight, be more active, feel peace around eating and so much more. The Dare Now: Intuitive Weight Transformation Program allows you how to do exactly that. Here is what you will receive.
Hypnosis in every session to transform your thinking, shedding old thoughts for new thoughts aligned with your current life and goals.
Achieve peace with food, moving beyond the "good or bad" labels to see food simply as food.
Learn to tune into your body's cues, knowing when you are hungry and when you are satisfied.
Benefits from the Virtual Gastric Band technique for immediate satisfaction with less food, enhancing intuitive body awareness.
Reconnect with your natural, intuitive eating abilities, a skill you were born with.
Acquire techniques to manage cravings, sugar intake, stress, and daily challenges effectively.
Embrace a diet-free approach by listening to your body's needs and responses.
Receive a downloadable guide for the program with all the information.
Learn a sustainable, natural system of eating, that you can use for the rest of your life without dieting.
A daily reinforcement recording to solidify your new habit of listening.
My Intuitive Weight Transformation uses your body's natural system of cues for hunger and fullness to return you to natural eating and a healthy body. This program uses several methods to help you transform your relationship with food and eating. You will learn tools from E.F. T. (Emotional Freedom Technique), NLP (Neural Linguistic Programming), Self Hypnosis, and more. I use International Clinical Hypnotherapist Sheila Granger’s Virtual Gastric Band in my program. In trials in the UK, this system delivered a 95% success rate. This success rate has been reproduced by hypnotists across the globe who have trained with Sheila. I am one of those hypnotists.
My program offers 4 sessions, a daily MP3 recording to help reinforce new habits and more. You will change from the inside without any side effects of shots and surgery.
This system will put you back in control so you can start making better choices without being dictated to by a diet that may or may not be right for your body. Your mind accepts the band insertion, supporting you right away to feel fuller faster and eat less while enjoying the food you like.
Our bodies are built to tell us when to eat and when to stop. That is how we came into the world. With my program, you begin to re-learn how to notice when you are hungry AND when you are satisfied, and it is time to stop.
You will learn how to reset your brain and the signals it sends to harness the power of your mind to make a positive change.
This program is NOT a diet or a quick fix. It is designed to be a lifestyle of staying healthy and happy for the rest of your life while you enjoy eating.
Reach out to me now to set up a complimentary consultation and learn how to regain control and power over your eating habits!
Private sessions are available in person and via video call. Two for one price is available as a virtual package.
Need more information?
Call now 813.679.1953 or
Email Denise at: